
I have sixteen years of experience using fluorescence microscopy to quantitatively characterize cellular processes, ranging from the molecular organization of protein complexes and their dynamics to the description of cell collective migration.

Successful quantitative microscopy experiments require finding an optimum between the suitable fluorescence microscopy techniques and the appropriate image and data analysis pipelines so that the experiment design compensates for the weaknesses of each technique with the strengths of the others. Thus, the design of these experiments requires planning each detail of your image acquisition with in mind the strengths and weaknesses of the image analysis that you intend to do afterwards and the data analysis that you aim for.

Designing quantitative microscopy experiments demands excellence in microscopy and image and data analysis techniques, which is what I offer. My consulting service aims to guide you in finding the delicate balance between these disciplines so that you can perfect and boost your quantitative microscopy.

I published my work in various peer-reviewed journals, including Nature, Cell, eLife, MBoC, and Current Biology, and I contributed to two book chapters for Methods in Cell Biology. A complete publication list can be found here
